Mgr. Barbara Janíková , DiS.

Addictologist, Therapist

Barbara is an addiction specialist and therapist. She graduated with a master's degree in social work at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and social pedagogy at a higher vocational school in Prague. For more than 20 years, she has been active in various areas of work with addiction issues, she has worked in many addiction workplaces. For years, she worked in low-threshold and outpatient programs, but also at research and educational workplaces (Clinic of Addiction 1.LF UK and VFN in Prague, National Monitoring Center for Drugs and Addictions), she is still an active pedagogue and lecturer in the field of addiction.

She completed a five-year SUR psychodynamic training focused on non-verbal techniques and several other shorter courses in non-verbal techniques, motivational interviews, crisis intervention, trauma in the context of biosynthesis and others. In the last two years, she completed a year of training and a six-month follow-up supervision session in Compassionate Inquiry, a trauma-informed approach developed by Canadian physician Gabor Maté. She is a member of the Czech Association for Psychotherapy. Works in Czech and English. She likes people, dogs, music, nature, art and oatmeal.

When I speak of healing, I mean nothing more than a natural movement toward wholeness…..(healing) is a direction, not a goal. It's a line on a map, not just a dot. - Gabor Maté

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