Above-standard residential care


Comprehensive care for your mental health

Our residential clinic offers quality and comprehensive services in the field of addiction treatment and mental health support. We enable clients to renew their strength in the unique environment of a First Republic villa on the outskirts of Prague, where they can fully concentrate on their recovery. We emphasize an individual approach and the creation of a family atmosphere that helps in the treatment process and your return to a full life will be faster.

Personal and discreet approach in a superior environment

Our team of experienced professionals provides a wide range of therapies and services that are tailored to the individual needs of each client. We offer accommodation in comfortable double rooms, a modern nutritionally balanced diet and opportunities for active and passive rest. All of our programs are designed with the latest knowledge in psychology and addiction science in mind to provide the most effective support on the road to recovery.

Comprehensive care

Types of stays

2 Týdny: Začátek cesty ke změně
118 000 Kč
8 428 Kč / den

Tento pobyt je ideální pro ty, kteří se chtějí zastavit a odlehčit svému tělu. To jsou první kroky k trvalé změně.

Cíle a Aktivity

Program se zaměřuje na fyzickou i psychickou stabilizaci. Pobytem získáte první impulsy a motivaci k trvalejší změně.


Klienti odcházejí s lepším pochopením svých potřeb a s jasným plánem, který je dalším krokem v procesu uzdravení.

4 Týdny: Hluboké porozumění a plánování změn
189 500 Kč
6 768 Kč / den

Tento pobyt je určen pro hlubší práci na sobě. Klade důraz na rozpoznání a pochopení vašich nejen psychických potíží.

Cíle a Aktivity

Program zahrnuje intenzivnější terapeutické sezení, pomáhá rozvíjet adaptivní vzorce chování místo destruktivních reakcí a zaměřuje se na plánování dlouhodobých změn v dosavadním životním stylu.


Klienti si osvojí dovednosti potřebné k zvládání svých obtíží a získají důležité nástroje pro udržení změn v běžném životě.

6 Týdnů: Komplexní příprava na nový začátek
255 000 Kč
6 071 Kč / den

Při volbě nejdelšího pobytu získáte především čas, který je potřebný pro intenzivní terapeutickou práci a pro osvojení změn životního stylu v plném rozsahu.

Cíle a Aktivity

Program se zaměřuje na rozsáhlou terapeutickou práci včetně individuálních a skupinových sezení, práci na emocionální stabilitě a vytváření dlouhodobých plánů k udržitelnému způsobu života.


Klienti odcházejí s porozuměním svého problému ve všech jeho souvislostech, pevnějšími základy pro dlouhodobou změnu a jasným plánem pro další kroky mimo kliniku.

Treatment programs

During treatment, we attach importance to the individual needs of each client. The program includes individual and group sessions, addiction counseling, Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous meetings, meditation and more. Therapies focus on overall healing and offer space for personal development and self-discovery.

More about treatment programs

Support programs

We offer clients a range of support activities that consist of physical and sports activities, including the possibility to use the sauna and swimming pool, rehabilitation exercises and nutritional advice. It is possible to use self-study in our equipped library.

More about subsidized programs

Accommodation and catering

Accommodation is provided in double rooms, the interior of which meets above-standard requirements. Meals are based on current nutritional trends and offer a wide selection of meals with regard to individual preferences.

More about accommodation and catering

Philosophy and approach to treatment

Our goal is to provide holistic care that respects the individuality of each client. We approach treatment with empathy and understanding, focusing on overall recovery and integration into everyday life.

More about us

Meet our team

Our team consists of qualified professionals whose specialties include mental health and addiction. We offer a professional approach and many years of experience in psychotherapy.

More about the team

Our clients talk about their experiences with the NEO Centre

Katka struggled with alcoholism for a long time, which brought her to the very bottom. "I drank uncontrollably, my family shunned me, I lost friends and I was a shadow of myself at work," she recalls. Life lost its meaning for her until she came to the NEO Center. "It was not an ordinary treatment, it was a liberating self-discovery," says Katka. Today, after three years, she is happy and grateful for every sober day.


For years, Tamara thought she could handle everything on her own. It was only after hitting rock bottom that she realized she needed help. "Admitting that I was an addict was the first step. Every day I am grateful for the fact that I could be at the NEO Center. Thanks to you, I have started to see my life from a different perspective and I am gradually trying to find a way to recovery."


For a long time, Kristýna considered her states of anxiety and exhaustion to be a normal part of life. "I thought it would pass. Everyone is tired sometimes and can't sleep," she says. She believed that as long as she could function and work, everything was fine. But in reality, she often found herself alone, exhausted, full of hopeless thoughts, waiting for the difficult times to pass. The change came when she discovered NEO Centrum. "Here I found a safe place, honesty, support and kindness," Kristýna describes.


Jirka struggled with alcoholism for years and did not find a solution in the state hospital, where they focused only on his addiction, not on the causes. "They dealt with alcoholism there, not me," he recalls. Skeptical of private facilities, he changed his mind after a friend recommended NEO Center. "It was the best investment of his life, so I went there," says Jirka. In the NEO Center, he found support and space to work on himself. Today, Jirka is satisfied: "The combination of NEO, neo-humans and working on each other really works. It was the best investment of my life for me too."


For a long time, Michal was drowning in endless parties and parties, where cocaine played a key role. Daily drug use destroyed his personal and professional life. "I kept wondering how I would excuse myself from my daily duties," he recalls. The real change came when he discovered the NEO Center. He spent six months here, which were not easy, but thanks to great therapists, he was able to deal with his problems and start a new life. "I don't have to lie to myself that everything is fine. I can sleep peacefully and look forward to each new day," says Michal, who has been drug-free for almost five years. Thanks to NEO Center.


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