Pitfalls in the digital age: addictions to shopping, internet, food, phones and sex


Dependence on routine activities and digital technologies

Modern society brings not only advances in technology and lifestyle, but also new forms of addiction. Addictions such as compulsive shopping, constant browsing on the Internet, addiction to food, phone or sex are a widely discussed topic today. These addictions are often related to the need to escape from reality and can be just as destructive as addictions to psychoactive substances.


How Addictions Develop and Maintain

All of the aforementioned modern-day addictions are characterized by a strong desire for the sensations that these activities bring. Addiction is accompanied by a strong urge that people want to satisfy, often under any circumstances. They may initially seek out these activities to suppress stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions. The development and maintenance of addiction can be influenced by personality predispositions and living conditions. Understanding these mechanisms is key to effective treatment.


Approaches to the treatment of non-substance addictions

The approach to treating addiction to shopping, food, sex, telephone and Internet is essentially the same as the methods used in the treatment of substance addiction. The emphasis is on an individual approach that takes into account the specific needs and situation of each client. We offer both outpatient care and residential clinic programs.

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