Depression: How to recognize it and when to seek help


Depression - more than sadness, a complex disorder affecting life

Depression is one of the most common psychological problems that can significantly affect the quality of life. It is an evolutionary response to excessive and long-term stress. The organism goes into energy saving mode in order to survive longer. People suffering from depression experience feelings of emptiness. It is a condition that affects our thinking, behavior and overall bodily functioning. In the long run, it can deprive us of the joy of life.


Recognizing the symptoms of depression

Depression can manifest itself in different ways. Are you losing interest in things you used to enjoy and do you feel like your life is losing meaning? Do you feel tired all the time, have trouble sleeping or has your appetite changed? Do you feel empty and unable to experience emotions? If these feelings seem to persist, they may be some of the symptoms of depression. In this case, it is important to seek professional help.


Overcoming the myths about depression

The phenomenon of depression is often underestimated. We can hear from those around us: "It's just a joke" or "You're just in a bad mood". We also encounter trivialization of suicidal tendencies. A person suffering from depression can irritate loved ones with an apparent unwillingness and inability to do something. We can hear from the family, let's finally recover. The reality of experiencing depression lies elsewhere. Several factors play a role in the development of the disease, which together can have a very complex effect. Overcoming depression with professional help is a sign of strength, not weakness.


Seeking help: When and why to see a professional

If your feelings and symptoms seem to fit the description of depression, it is important to see a professional. At NEO Center, we offer an individual approach and a wide range of therapeutic services that can help you return to a full life. Whether it's outpatient treatment or residential programs, we're here to help you find a way out of depression.

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