A sample of the daily program at the residential clinic


Balanced client care and support

Here is a sample of one of the days at our residential clinic. The daily program is designed to provide comprehensive support and care for our clients. At the same time, its structure ensures a balanced ratio of relaxation, guided therapeutic activities, physical activities and personal free time. Each day begins with a nutritious breakfast prepared by our housekeepers, followed by activities such as group and individual therapy, expressive therapy and meditation, AA and NA meetings, 12 steps, yoga, sports and leisure activities and themed education.

More about residential care
8:00 - 9:00


For breakfast, you can choose from a variety of dishes that include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, yogurts, oatmeal and more.

9:00 - 10:00


The community is a daily meeting of all clients and therapists, where the plan of the day that will await you is decided. Furthermore, at the community meeting, clients summarize how they were during the previous day, thereby supporting them in self-reflection and overall slowing down and looking back at what they experienced yesterday.

10:00 - 12:30


Meditation teaches clients to overcome their suffering and eventually establish inner peace and tranquility. Our meditation instructor will guide you through the steps needed to develop awareness of your own feelings, body, mind and experience.

12:45 — 14:00

Lunch and personal free time

For lunch you can choose from several dishes that cover a varied selection. Lunch always consists of soup, main course and dessert.

14:00 — 15:30

Individual psychotherapy/Group psychotherapy

As part of individual psychotherapy, the client is guided to greater self-acceptance, conflict resolution and other psychological problems. The psychotherapist supports the client and helps him adapt to the new conditions that the client faces in his life. Group psychotherapies offer an opportunity to share experiences and talk about one's troubles in a confidential environment, where the client draws support from other clients who are going through similar challenges. Mutual support and understanding are key to successful recovery and long-term stability.

15:30 — 18:30

Walk / self-study / sports activities

The quiet surroundings of the clinic offer several options where we can go for a walk with clients. We believe that movement is an essential element for overall mental well-being.

18:30 — 19:00


The preparation of the dinner takes place after an agreement with our housekeeper, who will meet the clients and prepare what they like.

19:00 — 20:00

Active relaxation training

The effect of this exercise is to calm the mind, slow down the rhythm of breathing and release both physical and mental tension. A member of the team of therapists accompanies you through relaxation.

20:00 - 22:00

Personal leave

Personal time off includes a relaxation area that you can use according to your preferences. There is a swimming pool, a fitness area and a library. You can use the comfort of the clinic and go swimming, use the gym or read.

The program of our clinic is thoughtfully designed to provide not only professional care every day, but also space for personal development and regeneration. This schedule will help you find balance and re-energize your journey to recovery. We believe that following this daily regimen regularly will contribute to your overall health and well-being.

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