Mgr., Bc. Tereza Jandová

Psychologist in healthcare, Addictologist, Therapist

Tereza studied psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and addictionology at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. She has completed a year of psychotherapeutic training in cognitive-behavioral therapy at the Odyssea Institute and is currently a student of SUR's psychodynamic training. In addition, Tereza has completed the courses Psychologist in health care and Work with the client in his natural environment accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Currently, Tereza is an expert consultant for an emerging project focused on providing online therapy for teenagers and young adults.

She is no newcomer to the NEO Center, for two years she worked as a therapist at the residential Clinic 1. In the past, she also gained experience, for example, at the child psychiatry department of the Thomayer Hospital in Prague, as a psychedelic harm-reduction volunteer at the Psy-Care organization or at the Center for Mental health.

She likes hiking and traveling, likes to go on long treks in the Czech Republic and abroad.

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