Ondřej Dočekal


Ondřej Dočekal has been dedicated to the helping profession, mainly working with drug users, for over 20 years. Based on the experience of his not-so-organized adolescence, he started working with at-risk youth and worked for 15 years as a sociotherapist, individual and group therapist at the Sananim z.ú outpatient care center, then for 2 years he participated in individual group work at the Drop-in Aftercare Center, obs

It has been a part of the NEO Center since 2021 and you can currently meet it both in residential treatment and in the outpatient clinic.

He has been trained in SUR Group Therapy and Pesso-Boyden Psychomotor Psychotherapy, Remedium Crisis Intervention Course, Trauma1, Trauma2 course there and "Irish Seminar: Motivational Interviewing".

With a personal approach, he tries to help his clients become "good conductors of their own lives."

He also went through many non-therapeutic professions. The original plan to be a history teacher underwent certain changes: he was a gardener, a handling worker in the woodworking industry, one of the first sellers of instant noodle soups. In his free time, he finds pleasure in experiencing all possible shades of family life, music, working with metal.

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